As is the tradition - I must start this post with Matt’s trademarked “I wish to kick your face in look” with extra red eye.
Don’t mess with the Matt
Chantal and a rather werid chappie, who
got booted out by the bouncers for being
a twunt.
Kev & Matt being slightly more homosexual
than myself. An actual homosexual.
Chantal and a Random Girl
Random Girl and Random Guy
Chantal - love you $10!
Queri and Random Guy we didn’t like.
Man on the left.
I was checking this guy out all night!
Chantal & Pete
Half of Me and Random Girl
That was what occured last night in photos, it was rather random, I was up since 6am that morning and worked from 8am to 10pm then off in to town, cost me a bloody tenner for a taxi too (bastards). But it was fun, the night ended with cheesy chips and crashing on Claire’s floor.
Originally published at Кевин You can comment here or there.