Кевин (mmn) wrote,

Twitter Updates of the Day

  • 20:46 @doug_graeme Quite easily #BNPcunts #
  • 20:50 Today I came very close to dragging a man out of his car, taking his licence out his walet&sending it back to the DVLA w/a note "2dum4ths". #
  • 22:16 I'm officially techno'd out for the evening. Lisa lashes and extra bass is not a smart move on the ears. #
  • 22:19 twitpic.com/1fm9yb - Sophie are smart #
  • 22:20 twitpic.com/1fma0e - I are very smart #
  • 22:20 twitpic.com/1fma3t - Richard are mildly smart. #
  • 22:36 @oshiewan Why not, I got charged 80p for them, going to get my moneys worth! #
  • 22:37 @FagHagMom Er, close enough! ;) #

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