I still have morr stuff to post from my london trip so i just wantes to let you guys know. Photos et all, it's sitting in my drafts on the wordpress site!
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
I still have morr stuff to post from my london trip so i just wantes to let you guys know. Photos et all, it's sitting in my drafts on the wordpress site!
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
A causa de la quarantena a França, tinc molt temps per atrapar-me amb les coses. Em preparo per quan s’obrin les fronteres per tornar a Barcelona,…
I want to create a Phlog, so I did. I generally use content all over the place, because I’m not enough of a content generator to be able…
Seeing as it’s been a couple of days since I had a soirée, some how still have a hangover, and it appears all the photos still haven’t…