I can say will full certainty that Tuesday can go fuck itself with a rusty barge pole.
Bring on Wednesday. Who is less likely to be as big of a twat as Tuesday.
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
I can say will full certainty that Tuesday can go fuck itself with a rusty barge pole.
Bring on Wednesday. Who is less likely to be as big of a twat as Tuesday.
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
I have like three different posts in my drafts and just not enough time to get at them, so enjoy this image of Samy being weird. Mirrored from…
Photo de Henrik L. sur Unsplash This is the only problem working five days a week, eight hours a day – no room for creativity. I find…
Photo de Grant Beirute sur Unsplash This morning, well perhaps more afternoon, when I was being bored with my choice of inactivity, I…