Having only just moved in by the end of Friday after being told on Wednesday afternoon that I needed to vacate ASAP as this flat was now "ready" ignore the clutter as I'm still technically moving still.
It's also worth mentioning that the previous occupants were skanky disgusting lifeforms, the bathroom was more mouldy than your Gran's fanny, the storage room Walls were literally crawling and there are makeup stains all over EVERY carpet EVERYWHERE.
Three of us had to clean like mad for two hours when the doors opened as it was foul and smelled of cheese.
I hope they get hit by a bus for living like that, because you don't deserve to be on this planet.
Anyways, photos:-
Lounge/Kitchen area
Basement hall
Storage/Server room
Traditional English bathroom
Bedroom (huge)
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.