Кевин (mmn) wrote,

The Spell of Distruction

Thanks iPhone for not copying and pasting what I just wrote, so here we go again.

It has certainly been a while since I’ve updated anything anywhere because I’ve been seeking work on the fast and during the vacances this has been pretty hard.

However, I do have something lined up for October now and currently on a two week contract before I go to Winnipeg next week.

Its not been a great time, especially with the Internet and television cut off and very limited options on things to do (with the exception of walk horrendous distances).  But it’s settling down and I’m getting a lot of offers on extra shifts, so September should be a lot better than the last two months.

I ended up finding my DVD player earlier, so I’m having a film night with Madame Angry.  She as usual is not pleased I’m near her while also not pleased that I’m not paying enough attention to her.  Basically can not win with this one.


There is also another post sitting on my tablet, it’s some what stuck on it until I can get access to a wifi hotspot.  Because, well, no internet.

There will be more updates soon, because this is how I roll.  Don’t forget to also check out my other blog Le Cosmonaute qui pleure.

Tags: Take The Wheel Jésus, current affairs, drame de l'internet, employment woes, no internet

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