Кевин (mmn) wrote,

The Burn

As the old saying goes « back your shit up », considering that this blog is backed up to the hilt and images are being spaffed out across the interwebs from Le Cloud.  It would be expected that I of all people, would remember to upload my offline work from my tablet to the Mega Intercloud Web that is ec.je.

But did I fuck and by concequence, I lost a rather good piece of blog post to a mere technical glitch in the WordPress app.  Incidentally, it was a rather nice diabolical critique of the state of affairs that is SNCF which went missing when I tried to connect to SNCF WiFi Gratuit.  Coincidence, probably, but epic conspiricy, totally.

Also available on ec.je.
Tags: burnt by the digital age, english, missing post, paris, ratp, sncf, the burn, train

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