😝energetic France, Paris
BBS.yt - a free dynamic dns domain
Being a cold parisien night and holding a tiny bit of cash in my wallet, I decided to do a troll of what domains were available.
One term I like to search is BBS, because I also run a BBS, incidentally while writing this I totally got side tracked and connected to a few BBSes from Telnet BBS Guide.
Anyways, I registered bbs.yt and immediately put it up on Afraid.org's Free DNS Project because you shouldn't need a domain to put up a BBS and it would be nice to have a BBS focused domain to do that.
There are many software packages you can use, either at home or in the cloud.
So if you would like to be a part of this project, you can set up your own .bbs.yt subdomain right here.
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