Кевин (mmn) wrote,

I Did a Thing, is it a Good Thing ?

By now you must know I’m really in to using things in different ways than they are intended.

It seems that I’ve done that again, having setup an account on groups.io with the intention of moving some of my mailman based lists, because my beloved DreamHost isn’t going to be upgrading it to fix deliverability issues.

What ended up happening is when I created the account, I realised that I can have subgroups, amazing things like a list in a list.

Then I started to use the extras, databases, files, photos, hashtags, like I went cray cray.

Then I realised that I accidentally made a decent BBS mirror, since I stopped using the web front end, the BBS site has been served from the Gopher server at ec.je.

I updated the tagline in QWK to include my new work, which you can view at mmn.groups.io.

Question is, have I done the right thing and does this follow in to the BBS’s ethos ?

There is also another thing that has come up, does the BBS need to be renamed since I now have a seperate business unit of a very same name on the old BBS domain.

Answers in the comments or via the group, I’m game all the same.

Tags: non classé

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