Кевин (mmn) wrote,

But Manitoba lawyer Robert Tapper says in a free market, marketers have the right to spam all they want and that stopping it would stifle freedom of expression.

Now, if I want to express my anger lets say, and I kill a few hundred people as a result
being charged with murder would 'stifle my freedom of expression'.

"If I have a program that shows up on television that I think is offensive, obnoxious, or a person who I don't want to see, I change channels," he says.

He seems to forget that on the tee-vee that adverts don't pop up during programmes advertising porn, this fool is saying that we should all just disconnect our computers if we don't like it. Well I don't like lawyers and that doesn't give me the right to go lawyer huntin' so why should we all perminantly turn off our machines because one tosser thinks that it's ok.

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