Кевин (mmn) wrote,

Last night headed out with Neil and David to the pub, had a fairly late night (we left about 1:30am) as I was driving home I had a very proud moment, on the dual carriageway some little lady attempted the "fucking learners" maneuver, she indicated into the right lane but failed to calculate by the time she reaches me one of us is going to be pushed off of the carriageway and it wasn't going to be me.

I maintained my speed and she eventually realised that she was doing something very stupid and returned to the left lane leaving me to mock her for the remainder of my trip.

I really need to pass my coming test so I may not have to put up with other drivers being complete twats for no good reason except the big red L on the back of my car.

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  • Deskshot of the Now

    As per the Nick, this is my deskshot of the now. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there.

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