Кевин (mmn) wrote,

Shhh! I'm being paranoid.

wilts: Hiya kevin, how are you [Mon 19/04/04 10:44]
wilts: morning Kevin how is ur day going [Tue 20/04/04 10:25]
bbckevin: It's going well and you? [Tue 20/04/04 10:48]
wilts: yeah, not too bad thanks...what r u up to this morning...u working hard, or at home...alone x [Tue 20/04/04 10:58]
wilts: u on MSN at all mate [Tue 20/04/04 10:59]
bbckevin: yep. msn@mso.cx [Tue 20/04/04 11:12]
bbckevin: At work at the moment. [Tue 20/04/04 11:13]
wilts: when do you get a break...u got mobile number Kevin x [Tue 20/04/04 11:17]
wilts: when do you get a break...u got mobile number Kevin x [Tue 20/04/04 11:17]
wilts: wanna chat there now [Tue 20/04/04 11:17]

For some reason the words "bunny" and "boiler" pop in to my head and I'm
not quite sure why.

This is only a friends only post because he can easily find my webpage and move along here, I suspect in a while I it'll be public.

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  • Sundaynotsofunday

    Photo de Danny Postma sur Unsplash Its been a while since I posted over here at oh.mg and that’s OK since I am genuinely a tiny bit…

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