Кевин (mmn) wrote,

Thou shalt not fuckith with thine gmail filters.

I use gmail for everything, gmail is grate and all knowing, etc etc.

Anyways, I have recently dabbled with faffing about with my general email settings. A little backgrounder on my email. MadSquirrels.com's mail is run through mailshell (all info on the site) and is then forwarded to my gmail, which then runs it's filter(s) and either files it (and archives it) under a label or it labels it, sends a copy to my 3mail and leaves it in my gmail inbox.

I however by passed this so I could use a pop account on my machine. I realise that gmail does have a pop3 interface, but it's fucking annoying to download all the messages you sent to others. So to by pass this I added a new relay point by way of hotpop.com. They forward my email to 3 email addresses, so I modified the mailshell rule and passed it along to hotpop directly.

Bad idea. The kevin address receives about 8400329049949328737474747 items before gmail does it's business within that single account, so my 3mail has been jammed with crap meaning I'm getting alerts from my phone similar to ROLFLAMO, U GOT 400 MESSAGES, OMG LOLZ. Wonderful.

Then I found my error, instead of by passing gmail, I should have left everything the same and only changed the gmail forwarder. I'm teh cock ass.


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