Кевин (mmn) wrote,

I H8 Cars

Ugh. Why must my car decide to need shit doing in one big blow.

First I have to do the brakes on the 23rd (when I get paid) because the front pads are coming to an end. Then I've got road tax to do which means I've got to splash out on another £60 (+£50 for the brake job) and also a service (at some point) which is £70+ whatever parts are needed. And that doesn't include the fuel and insurance bills either. So this pay it appears my car will be getting a good chunk of it whereas I won't. How annoying.

And speaking of annoying, I need to get new windscreen wipers, mine are squeeking big style and it's fucking annoying, last night on the second setting all you could hear was SQUEEEE-SQUEEE-SQUEEEK all the way home for 30 fucking minutes without a break. It almost drove me on a killing streak.

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