Кевин (mmn) wrote,

  • Mood:
Not only did Brandy completely miss the point of my message but she can't spell "Owner"

(For faster service, please do not delete this ID/Afin d'obtenir un service
plus rapide, évitez de supprimer le numéro suivant:

Dear Mr. Welford-Costelloe:

We have received your message regarding the 'White Label' automated banking
machines (ABM).

White label machines are not used by any financial institution, theyare
rented by an ownder of an establishment and use the Interac system. Thisis
where you will encounter a double charge as you not only incur the Interac
fee ($1.50)which is levied by the company Interac to the Royal Bank or
whatever insitution you use, but you will also be charged by the machines
owner a service fee that is added directly to the amount of your withdrawal.
For example, when making a withdrawal of $100.00 you might actually seethis
posted to your account as $101.00 as this is the amount of your transaction
including the fee charged by the private machine owner. A lot of convenience
store owners are bringing to bring them into their stores. The ownerscharge
a certain fee of their choosing (varies from $1.00 and up) for the useof
their machine.

We appreciate your feedback and the opportunity you have given us tohelp.
Please let us know if we can be of further assistance via email, or by
telephone at 1-800-769-2555.


Agent ID: 3745
RBC Royal Bank

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