Кевин (mmn) wrote,


It turns out of a 5GB hard drive, XP all the service packs, basic chat applications, browsers and email clients I only have 1.46GB left. So I've got a new and improved X:Drive account, I used to have one when 1GB was charged at £10 ($20) a month, so I cancelled it ages ago. But now 5GB is only about a fiver ($10) a month then it's not too bad and I can store all my crap there and have it available online from multiple machines (which will come in handy when I put the final nail in Baby Jesus' coffin by moving all the files off of it and binning it (which is rather unfortunate as by my naming scheme I can't call another machine Baby Jesus, ho hum).

Right now I'm backing up 120mb of downloads and installers to X Drive, so it's boringtastic.

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