Кевин (mmn) wrote,

Twitter Updates for 2007-11-04

  • My feet hurt alot. And my drama meter is high. #
  • @MikeyPod Get firefox (or similar) with ad-blocker. I used FF with ABP and it’s brilliant, you notice the difference quickly on MySpack #
  • @bloatedlesbian I’m getting Oprah’s minge to add you on the twitter. #
  • American wordpress blogs really fuck me off. They’re always uber USA nazi that my fucking comments are always marked as spam! FOREIGN IP!!1 #
  • @mikeypod according to Google Columbus Ohio #
  • @tallfreak Penis reduction? You’ve just made the baby jesus cry! #
  • The best phrase i\’ve ever seen today has to be \"cunt punt\". #

Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there.

Tags: twitter

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